Village Missionary Movement

கிராம மிஷனரி இயக்கம்


Daily Devotion (English) – 25.08.2021

Daily Devotion (English) – 25.08.2021


Never be hasty


“He who walks in his uprightness fear the Lord…” – Proverbs 14:2 

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Daily Devotion (English) – 24.08.2021

Daily Devotion (English) – 24.08.2021


Wafer made with honey


“The house of Israel called its name Manna… the taste of… Read more

Daily Devotion (English) – 23.08.2021

Daily Devotion (English) – 23.08.2021




“He who is slothful in his work is a brother to him who is a great destroyer.”… Read more

Daily Devotion (English) – 22.08.2021…

Daily Devotion (English) – 22.08.2021 (KidsSpecial)


Loving Alice 


“He who does not love does not know God, for God… Read more

Daily Devotion (English) – 21.08.2021

Daily Devotion (English) – 21.08.2021


Keep your good nature up


“Do not conformed to this world….” – Romans 12:2

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Daily Devotion (English) – 20.08.2021

Daily Devotion (English) – 20.08.2021




“For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will… Read more

Daily Devotion (English) – 19.08.2021

Daily Devotion (English) – 19.08.2021


The desire of the heavenly potter


“Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their… Read more

Daily Devotion (English) – 18.08.2021

Daily Devotion (English) – 18.08.2021


Thy Will 


“He knelt down and prayed…. “Not My will, but yours, be done.” - Luke… Read more