Village Missionary Movement

கிராம மிஷனரி இயக்கம்

Daily Devotion (English) – 19.08.2021

Daily Devotion (English) – 19.08.2021


The desire of the heavenly potter


“Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagle…” – Isaiah 40:31


A heap of clay sand was lying there in front of the potter. Whenever he saw it, he reflected on it. He said to himself, “This heap of sand is special to me. What I am going to create with this heap of clay sand must be distinct and unique. It should be magnificent in colour and shape and perfect and exquisite in craftsmanship. It shall be an ideal earthenware extraordinarily splendid and not seen and used by so far.” 


But not understanding the mind of the potter and his amazing plan, the clay sand was wailing all the time saying, “Though I am lying here for a long time, my presence is ignored by my master. He is so unmindful of me. At least if he makes a small mug out of me, I will be useful to someone for drinking water. I am tired of being idle and useless. Other heaps of clay sand were utilized quickly and they were formed into useful vessels of different shapes and sizes. Why do I encounter such difficult situation? Won’t my master look up at me? When shall I have a change in my life? Can I have a bright future? Am I going to meet my end in the same state?” 


Have we grown fatigue because of the delay in getting the answer? Does the expected passage of time seem to be barred? Have our co-workers got promotion and left the place? Are our hearts panting for the delayed goodness as the deer pants for the stream of water? Here is a word of hope. “Hope deferred makes the heart sick. But when the desire comes it is a tree of life” (Proverbs 13:12). The heap of clay sand wished to be formed as a vessel liked by it and to be one among the other heaps and to follow their ways. But the potter’s ideas and thoughts were lofty. The clay sand could not understand it. 


In the same way our God, the divine potter desires us not to be one with the ten. He likes His sons and daughters to be unique, distinct and different. We may be tired of waiting for a long time. But the Bible says, “Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagle.” So let us say that it is not our will, but yours be done and let us wait for Him and His work and for His perfect timing and surely there is an end and our expectation will not be cut off. 

- Bro. Jebin 


Prayer Request:

Pray that the children in the villages who were reached out with the gospel abide in Christ.



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