Village Missionary Movement

கிராம மிஷனரி இயக்கம்


Daily Devotion (English) – 02.09.2021

Daily Devotion (English) – 02.09.2021


Respected People


“The law of the wise is a fountain of life, to turn one away… Read more

Daily Devotion (English) – 01.09.2021

Daily Devotion (English) – 01.09.2021


Money-Deficient Heart-Abundant


“Now godliness with contentment is great gain.”… Read more

Daily Devotion (English) – 31.08.2021

Daily Devotion (English) – 31.08.2021




“…Our sister (brother), may you become the mother of thousands of… Read more

Daily Devotion (English) – 30.08.2021

Daily Devotion (English) – 30.08.2021


Horlicks Christians


“…the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch.”… Read more

Daily Devotion (English) – 29.08.2021…

Daily Devotion (English) – 29.08.2021 (Kids Special)


Where is the silver spoon?


“Your word is a lamp to my feet and… Read more

Daily Devotion (English) – 28.08.2021

Daily Devotion (English) – 28.08.2021


Till the End


“…you will be hated by all for My name’s sake. But he who endures… Read more

Daily Devotion (English) – 27.08.2021

Daily Devotion (English) – 27.08.2021


The person who won’t leave and forsake


“…I will not leave you nor forsake you.”… Read more

Daily Devotion (English) – 26.08.2021

Daily Devotion (English) – 26.08.2021


Non-Accustomed oxen and accustomed staff


“I taught Ephraim to walk, taking them… Read more