Village Missionary Movement

கிராம மிஷனரி இயக்கம்

Daily Devotion (English) – 02.01.2021

Daily Devotion (English) – 02.01.2021

Who are you? 

“Let not your heart be troubled…I will come again and receive you to Myself;” – John 14:1-3

In the English poem book “If you” the discussion that takes place in heaven is described. In that poem a person talks about his dreamy vision filled with light and marble like waters moving with sound “Zal, Zal” and the person is seated in a place. At that time behind his back uttered “Praise the Lord brother.” “Who are you? I have no remembrance of having seen you before” said the first person. “No, you have seen me once. You had come to our street and distribute the gospel tracts and I got saved by reading your tracks and known Jesus. You are the main reason for my being in the heaven.” Thus, you are the cause for every one of us being in heaven said those persons. 

Yes, while Paul writes to church of Corinth, he insists to be “Be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord” (1Corinthians 15:58). The labor that is love for the kingdom of God either small or great nothing goes on vain. Certainly, there is a reward. Hope, when we go to heaven every one of us will undergo the above said experiences. So, let it be a ministry or anything that is done for the Lord don’t be discouraged. For to whomsoever you have shared the gospel of Jesus Christ love or prayed to the sick by sharing the gospel, you will meet them all in heaven in one by saying, “Be rejoiced by thinking that.”

The days are near to honor us by our master with saying, “Good, you faithful and perfect servant.” The crown that are affixed with pearls do represent the met souls. Even those who are unfamiliar and those who are not in memory are going to meet you in heaven. When you ask to each one “Who are you?” they will reply that they are the fruits of souls the reward of efforts in your ministry. Hallelujah! 
-    P. Jacob Sankar 

Prayer Request:
Pray for the declaration of 2021 as the year of New Missionaries Preparation and for the making up of new missionaries’ team.

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Village Missionary Movement, 
Virudhunagar, India – 626001
For Prayer Support: +91 94873 67663, +91 94424 93250

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