Village Missionary Movement

கிராம மிஷனரி இயக்கம்

Daily Devotion (English) – 19.06.2024

Daily Devotion (English) – 19.06.2024


Watching God


"The eyes of the LORD are in every place, Keeping watch on the evil and the good" - Proverbs 15:3


One day a man was mowing the grass at the edge of a garden. Then he saw the tomatoes in the garden. Immediately he called his son and said I will go and pick some of these fruits. If you notice anyone is coming let me know. Then the boy said, father, one of the fathers is watching you. Then the man looked around to see who was looking at him. His son said that God is watching you from above. Since then, the man has stopped stealing. Yes, God is everywhere. We cannot see the wind, but we feel it, so we cannot see God but He can always see us.


Abraham's wife Sarah also had no children in the Bible. Sarah wanted to have a child through her slave girl Hagar. Sarah gave Hagar to Abraham. Hagar became pregnant and gave birth to a child, so she despised Sarah. Unable to bear this, Sarah asked Abraham to send her away. Abraham immediately told her to treat her as you see fit. Harassed, Agar ran away from Sarah. And the angel of the Lord found her in the wilderness, Hagar, where do you come from? He asked where you are going. To which she said I am running away from my Sara. Then the angel of the Lord told her to return to her mistress Sarah and stay under her hand. Hagar named it, "God who sees me."


Yes, God sees us. He is watching over us from the high heavens. Nothing we do can be hidden from Him. He is the one who oversees and executes everything in our life! He sees not only our actions but also our memories. Even secrets in our hearts is not hidden from His eyes. He knows our sitting and rising. So let all our actions be pleasing to the Lord. God bless us.

- Sis. Hebzi


Prayer Note:

Pray for the Revival Youth Camp on August 15th.



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