Village Missionary Movement

கிராம மிஷனரி இயக்கம்

Daily Devotion (English) – 10.08.2021

Daily Devotion (English) – 10.08.2021


It’s a good thing you have come now


“…The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few.” - Matthew 9:37


In a certain district in North India, gospel meeting was held for the first time. As soon as the meeting was over, an eighty-two-year-old lady got on to the stage. She held the hand of the servant of God and kissed him and said with tears, “Sir, it is a good thing you have come at least now. The Lord has heard my 75 years of cry.” When asked about the reason for her crying out to God she said, “When I was five my parents lost me in a festival crowd. On seeing my plight, I was taken by a kind man to his home. I was brought up with his children for two years. He often used to say, “Remember, that there is someone who loves you dearly. His name is “Jesus.” But I was too small to understand what he said. Suddenly the kind man passed away. Soon I was driven out of his home. I made a living by begging and doing odd jobs. 


Though I wished to go to school and learn, I was deprived of the opportunity. Any how I stood by the gate and was learning by hearing. When I was nineteen, I got married and became the mother of two children. But I was devastated by the loss of my two children on the same day. From that day onwards I have been crying about every day at least for some time for 75 years to behold Jesus and to get to know Him. I was anxiously awaiting someone to come and talk about Jesus. Today I got to know Jesus whom I longed to see. My heart was broken on hearing you say, “Jesus is good to everyone.” God has responded to my cries. Now I belong to Jesus and I am a citizen of heaven.” She narrated everything rejoicingly. 


2000 years ago, the apostle Thomas proclaimed the gospel in India and we got to know the love Jesus and accepted Him as our Savior. Where do we stand in sharing the word of God? There are people around us who have never heard about the love of Jesus. There are people like the aged woman with the desire to get to know Jesus. But without any concern, we have got entangled in a small circle that consists of only our family and work. Everyday people die of accidents and pestilence unheard of Jesus. We need zealous servants of God with dedication and thirst for souls to carry the good news so that our Nation will come to know Jesus. Won’t you dedicate yourself? let the words of the old lady, “…waited…. you have come only today” echo in our ears. 

- Mrs. Vasanthi Rajamohan


Prayer Request:

Pray that the students of Ragland Bible College grow further in their spiritual lives.



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