Daily Devotion (English) – 23.01.2021
Daily Devotion (English) – 23.01.2021
Destroy the worms
“Therefore, let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall” - 1Corinthians 10:12
What a huge tree I was! I was so majestic with my flourishing green leafy branches. I was proud to be the nest for birds, play ground for kids and shady resting place for travelers. I was able to withstand rain, wind, sun and storm. After certain period of time, I had a feeling of losing my strength. In the beginning I just overlooked it. I became weaker and weaker day by day. One day I fell collapsed. Then I began to think and reason out the cause for my fall. It suddenly dawned on me that I who resisted any difficult weather condition had a great fall because of tiny worms. Are you surprised? Only the small worms ate away and destroyed the roots and made the enormous tree too weak to stand.
Yes, the trifling matters which are neglected and ignored may weaken our spiritual life. Judas Iscariot is a known figure in the Bible. His fall did not happen in a day. The worm called love of money was destroying him slowly. In the end satan entered into his heart. He could not resist the temptation. He was seized with remorse and hanged himself saying that he had sinned by betraying innocent blood.
Yes, dear all, the tree could not prevent the damage done by the worms. But we are the children of God. We know pretty well that the truth shall set us free. We should never give room for flimsy excuse such as God will not reprimand us for our minor weakness. If we fail to notice the petty matters that are not pleasing to God, they may cause our fall in spiritual life. Let us do away with the little worms that try to defeat us with the power of the Holy Spirit. Let us be steadfast with the power of God and be a witness to others.
- Bro. Paul Jebastin
Prayer Request:
We are in need of many media equipment for the media ministry. Pray for the helping hearts to rise and lend a helping hand.
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