Village Missionary Movement

கிராம மிஷனரி இயக்கம்

Daily Devotion (English) – 26.09.2021 (Kids Special)

Daily Devotion (English) – 26.09.2021 (Kids Special)


Disobedient Jinky


“Children, obey your parents in all things…” – Colossians 3:20


There, in a banyan tree, two little monkeys, named Pinky and Jinky lived with their mother. There was one pond near that banyan tree. One crocodile also lived in that pond with its hatchlings. These Pinky and Jinky would play swinging, holding on the aerial roots of the banyan tree, here and there, with their mother and lived happily. When the crocodile saw the playing of these little monkeys, it got a desire to eat those monkeys, by getting them down. 


One day, that mother monkey said to little monkeys, “I am going out to get our food. You both should keep yourself safe. Don’t get down from the tree. Ok?” At once, those little monkeys said “Ok. Mom.” So, that mother monkey went away. When the crocodile saw this, it got happy in its heart. It thought that that was the correct time and got out of the pond, saw the tree and told in a mild voice, “Hay, Pinky and Jinky! How are you? Are you not bored of hanging on the tree? See me. I am swimming and bathing in the water joyfully. Don’t you have this wish?” At once Jinky said, “I also wish to swim and to take bath in the water.” At once, the crocodile said, “We shall remain as friends. Come on Jinky! I will get you in.” Jinky also got down from the tree with the desire to take bath in the water. 


But Pinky said, “Hi, Jinky! Don’t get down. That crocodile will kill you.” But Jinky did not hear, got down and sat on the back of the crocodile. Jinky said to Pinky, “You hang only in this tree. I am going to swim and bath in the water.” Jinky and the crocodile said Pinky, “Bye Bye”, and started. When they were half way in the water, crocodile said to monkey, “I brought you here, only to kill and eat you, not to take bath.” Jinky begged, “Friend! No! Please leave me.” But that crocodile killed that monkey and ate it. Pinky, who saw this from the tree, cried a lot for the losing of life by Jinky, because of disobedience.


Little brother and sister! Like this crocodile, devil also will talk cunningly, with you to cheat you and try to get you away from our father Jesus. You only must be careful. You must hear what your parents say and obey them. Is it ok? 

- Mrs. Saral Subash




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