Village Missionary Movement

கிராம மிஷனரி இயக்கம்

Daily Devotion (English) – 16.09.2021

Daily Devotion (English) – 16.09.2021


Controversial leadership 


“And said to Him, “Are you the Coming one, or do we look for another?” - Matthew 11:3


One Pastor was preaching in one Convention Meeting. He talked that there should be controversies whether it would be ministry or family. Since I was saved recently, it was somewhat controversial to me. I thought, “whatever it may be, whether family or ministry, matter should be the same. What is this new sermon?”


John the Baptist, who was the sound of the Lord in the forest as to say “Prepare the way of the Lord,” in 3rd chapter of Matthew, spoke about Jesus Christ wonderfully. That same John the Baptist, in Matthew 11th chapter, spoke about Jesus Christ with stumbling. John the Baptist had doubts and misunderstandings about Jesus Christ, who was his leader, and stumbled in his words and thoughts. He might have thought that Jesus did not think about his imprisonment and did not take any effort to make him free. 


In many matters, some structures may not be as we expect. If in a family, there are five members, all five members will not have same thoughts and same actions. They are not having the mentality to accept the actions of leadership. Like that, it is somewhat difficult to make people to understand the leadership. The specialty in this is, sometimes, we feel even verses in Bible themselves are controversial. For example, see the guidance of the Lord regarding Esau and Jacob (Romans 9:10-16).


As said by in the Holy Bible, understanding is only in faith and obedience. When we believe that the Bible, given by the Lord is perfect, we can understand that there is no controversy in it. 

- P. Jacob Sankar


Prayer Request:

Pray for – new ministry to begin in Odisha Kumma Block in Oriya and to raise missionaries with the same vision.




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Village Missionary Movement, 

Virudhunagar, India – 626001

For Prayer Support: +91 94873 67663, +91 94424 93250

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