Village Missionary Movement

கிராம மிஷனரி இயக்கம்

Daily Devotion (English) – 14.09.2021

Daily Devotion (English) – 14.09.2021


Acacia wood


“…Bezalel made the ark of Acacia wood...” Exodus 37:1


Acacia wood is a kind of tree in Israel. In all parts of this tree, there are thorns. Whenever this tree moves because of wind, those thorns will pierce the tree itself and glue will dispense from the tree. Generally, this tree is in forest area. Already it suffers of water scarcity. In this situation, pierced by thorns, water inside the tree is also going out. Since the water is going out, this tree will begin to tighten itself. At the end, after fully tightened, this tree strengthens itself and sheds the thorns. The products made by this tree can be used for more than 4000 years. Our Lord remembers this tree which is unwanted by anybody. As we read Exodus 25:8, the products in tabernacle of the congregation, wood works, like, ark of covenant, staves, table and boards were made up of this tree only. One of the offerings, the Lord mentioned to give, was this shittim tree.  


Like this, in the Bible, in Mark 5:5, Jesus came in search of a man who was cutting himself with stones and so many unclean spirits were in him. He sent away hundreds of unclean spirits from him. That man wore his proper dress and was in his right mind and told Jesus that he would come with Him. But Jesus told him, “Go home to your friends, and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you,” and sent him back. As per verse in Mark 5:20, he went and began to proclaim all that Jesus had done for him. Those people who did not accept Jesus till that time, after hearing his testimony, waited for Jesus and accepted Him with delight.  


Since because of wounds in your life, is anybody of you got tired of your life? The Lord had used Acacia tree which has thorns, for His intense work without forgetting. Like that, He did not forget even that tomb man who hurt himself! He used him also to glorify His name. That wonderful Lord will console your wounded heart also, definitely. He is the Lord who binds our wounds. He removes all your pains and makes you to live comfortably. Amen!

- Mrs. Manjula


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