Village Missionary Movement

கிராம மிஷனரி இயக்கம்

Daily Devotion (English) – 11.09.2021

Daily Devotion (English) – 11.09.2021


Good example to follow


“Then Jesus spoke … “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” - John 8:12


One famous actor said that he would do many things for his followers. He gave many promises like “I will achieve this and that” and “I will bring changes in this matter.” By seeing his achievements in cinema, many believed those as re al and followed him. But he changed his decision and he dissolved all his Forums formed by him. Those people, who followed him, for so many years, got disappointed. This day also there are lots of people who were deceived and lost in their life. 


Like this, today also there are so many people, by seeing the external life of cine actors or leaders, follow them and get disappointed. By believing their words, so many youngsters ruined their lives. They go into a gloomy life. There is a crowd of youngsters wandering without knowing the path and direction. When you follow any human being in this world, you will have more chances of being deceived. But Jesus says, “He that follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”


As per John 8:12, Jesus says not only by words, but also lived as a model in this world. He obeyed his father and mother from his childhood till his age of 30 years. He washed feet of his disciples. He freed many people who were in the darkness because of devil. He opened eyes of many blind people. He healed many lames. Many people had disgraced him, slapped him on the cheek, spit on his face and at the end, He was crucified on the cross. He died by shedding his blood to release us from our sins and resurrected on the third day. He is living even today. Whoever follows Him, He removes all their darkness and by washing with his holy blood, gives liberty. He will change our life as bright and will bless you. 

- P. V. Williams


Prayer Request:

Pray for – Lord to meet the needs of missionaries to pay school fees of their children.




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Virudhunagar, India – 626001

For Prayer Support: +91 94873 67663, +91 94424 93250

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