Village Missionary Movement

கிராம மிஷனரி இயக்கம்

Daily Devotion (English) – 06.09.2021

Daily Devotion (English) – 06.09.2021


Living is the Christianity


“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” - Matthew 5:16


The disciples who were in Antioch were first called Christians. Our people in old Christian generation of our ancestors were also called as Biblicists. During those days, they were not having this day’s teaching of the Bible or cheerful arousing. But they had differentiating and shining characters of love of God, politeness, attitude of helping others, caring with compassion, truthfulness, sincerity, discipline and more of good characters, by which they were seen and called as Biblicists. They were known only for their fruits of spirit filled with good characters. The Lord, Jesus Christ was known for his doing good and with melted heart He shined as shining light to the people in the dark. But today, various sins of darkness, like murder, robbery, sexual harassments, adultery, divorces etc. prevail cheaply in this world. Without any exception, some of the Christians also forget Christ and live with these acts of sins. When we, as Christians, are not having the light of justice, how can we live as light of this world?


Our Lord calls us to live as the representatives to show Jesus to the people who are living in the darkness of sins, ignorance and superstition. That means, people should see the light of good characters of Jesus in us. The Lord disgusts the characters of selfishness, pride, superiority complex, not looking for the goodness of others, and the like characters. Once, Mr. Stanly went to see David Livingston, who did ministry among the people of Africa. David Livingston’s disciplined spiritual life, prayer life, love he had shown to those rogue people, service with kindness attracted this Stanly, who was a Christian of name’s sake. The love of Lord, shown by him, made Stanly to accept Jesus as redeemer. 


My dear people! We will get before our eyes the live examples of Amy Carmichael, Mother Theresa, Dr. Ida Scudder and William Carey. Today, how is our ministry and life as testimony? We shall correct ourselves. We shall show the light of Jesus and try to remove the darkness with prayer.  

- Mrs. Saroja Mohandhass


Prayer Request:

Pray for – the needs of food, accommodation and vehicles, to be met to announce the Gospel in 1000 villages.




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Village Missionary Movement, 

Virudhunagar, India – 626001

For Prayer Support: +91 94873 67663, +91 94424 93250

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