Village Missionary Movement

கிராம மிஷனரி இயக்கம்

Daily Devotion (English) – 28.07.2021 (Bible Characters Special)

Daily Devotion (English) – 28.07.2021 (Bible Characters Special)




“…Barnabas… which … means son of Encouragement … sold a field belonging to him…” - Acts 4: 36, 37 


After the ascent of Christ into heaven, the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit and they began their ministry. They preached the word of God fearlessly. God changed the hearts of the believers. They were of one heart and one soul and had all things in common. Those who possessed lands or houses, sold them and brought the proceeds of it and laid them at the apostle’s feet. They distributed to each according to their needs. At first Barnabas was made known to us in the Bible as a Levite who sold his land and brought the money and gave it to the apostles. Levites would not possess much land or assets as they served God. Thus, he must have had a small piece of land. Even that was sold and the whole amount was given away. The name Barnabas means “Son of encouragement.” He remained true to his name and had helping nature. Later, when he was doing ministry, he joined with Paul in bringing famine relief fund to the Christians in Judea. 


Encourager of missionaries: That was the time when Saul was saved and dedicated himself for ministry. But the apostles and the believers were not ready to accept him as they knew that he was persecuting the believers. We see Barnabas bring Saul amongst the apostles in Jerusalem. He told them how he preached fearlessly. Eventually the apostles accepted Saul among them. It would not have been possible without the action of Barnabas. He also testified that Saul had evangelised and he had passion for ministry. John Mark who was belittled by others, was taken by Barnabas to accompany him on the missionary journey. Although he was a Levite, he never felt proud that he was mighty in the Scriptures. He encouraged Saul to become the missionary leader and he was humble enough to step aside. After the martyrdom of apostle Peter and Saul the believers were scattered. They were inspired and strengthened by Barnabas and the backsliders were admonished.


Beloved, missionaries emerged out by the goodness abounding in charity. The believers were encouraged. Let us reflect on the traits of Barnabas and how he became a martyr for Christ and let us dedicate ourselves to God and make a total surrender to Him.

- Mrs. Jothy Anand  


Prayer Request:

Pray that the education and future of the children in “New Life Home” are blessed.



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