Village Missionary Movement

கிராம மிஷனரி இயக்கம்

Daily Devotion (English) – 21.07.2021 (Bible Characters Special)

Daily Devotion (English) – 21.07.2021 (Bible Characters Special)


King Josiah 


“Before (Josiah) him, there was no king like him, who turned to the Lord…according to all the laws of Moses.” – 2 Kings 23:25


The history of the kings of Israel recorded in the Bible is interesting and thrilling. The Lord has portraited a vivid image of their outward performance but also their inner thoughts in their mind and heart. Some of the kings had set an example for us to follow but the lives of others were a warning to us against evil. Of all the kings it was Josiah who ascended the throne at the early age of 8 and created a very great spiritual reformation and revival. We can learn about and acquire some good qualities from him. It would be better if we turn back the wheel of time and stop at the year 639 BC. That was the time of Josiah’s reign over Israel.


Josiah was 8 years old when he became the king and he reigned thirty-one years (639-608) in Jerusalem. He was a God-fearing king. His predecessors did not follow God and they did evil in the sight of God for 70 years. But Josiah even at his young age did what was right in the sight of the Lord and followed the Lord and walked in all the ways of his father David. When he was eighteen, he began the work of getting the damages of the house of the Lord repaired. At that time Hilkiah, the high priest found the Book of the Law. The first five books of the Old Testament. (Genesis to Deuteronomy). On hearing the calamity and curse that would befall, for disobeying the word of God Josiah tore his clothes humbled himself and wept bitterly (2Kings 22:19). The scripture gives a testimony about him as, “There was no other king like Josiah before him and after him.” 


Dear believers, suppose King Josiah happens to meet us what would he tell us? He would say, “We found only 5 books of the Bible. While reading those five books, I was shaken. My heart melted and I was made tender. How can you be disobedient and idle having the whole Bible in your hands? Beloved, my ancestors were not a role model to me. They never sought the word of God. The book of the covenant was misplaced in the house of the Lord. How sad and piteous! Do you remember the warning given by Hosea who lived in the days of Jeroboam II, the king Israel? It is said, “Because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.” So, read the Bible, keep the commandments and follow the Lord. This is the only way to protect yourselves from this evil world. There was peace during my reign. If your delight is in the Lord, you will have peace no matter whoever is in power to rule.” 

- P. Ramkumar James


Prayer Request:

Pray to God to anoint the children of God who give messages for the daily devotional magazine.



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