Village Missionary Movement

கிராம மிஷனரி இயக்கம்

Daily Devotion (English) – 15.07.2021 (Bible Characters Special)

Daily Devotion (English) – 15.07.2021 (Bible Characters Special)


Joseph of Arimathea


“…perfect love drives out fear…” – 1John 4:18


Sanhedrin, was the highest Jewish judicial council which was equivalent to Israel’s High court. Joseph, from Arimathea was a respectable and prominent member of the Sanhedrin. Sanhedrin sentenced Jesus to death by crucifixion. It was very dangerous for a member of this council, to be the disciple of Jesus. Joseph deemed his wealth and power worthless and he became the disciple of Jesus. Although Jesus has said that it is very hard for the rich men to enter the kingdom of heaven, this Joseph, who was wealthy waited for the kingdom of heaven. In the beginning he was a secret disciple of Jesus as he feared the Jewish leaders. After the crucifixion of Jesus, he did not turn back or backslide. He believed in the word of Jesus about His resurrection on the third day. He became bold enough to go to Pilot and ask openly for the body of Jesus. Getting help from Nicodemus, a believer as well as a member of the Sanhedrin gave Jesus a respectable burial. How did he work so boldly disregarding the Jews? The reason was he loved Jesus dearly and the perfect love drove out his fear. He had the faith that worked through love. He proved that he had living faith that was empowered by works and not dead faith.


Now, Joseph is speaking to us indirectly. Nowadays the opposition to the Christians is increasing. Do we stand firm in our faith, when challenged? Suppose we are denied job for being a Christian, can we remain calm and content without that saying that the Lord will take care of everything? Are we scared that we may lose promotion or job if we evangelize? But Joseph was not afraid of anything. He did not mind if he was rejected by the council. Joseph stood to lose everything.


Moreover, he took the body of Jesus off the cross, wrapped it in linen and in spices and buried Him in a freshly cut cave. He was willing to spend anything for Christ regardless of the cost. Joseph was added and used in the plan of Jesus in fulfilling the prophecy given in Isaiah 53:9 which says, “Jesus was with the rich at His death.” If we possess such characteristics, God will make use of us in His plan for redemption. 

- Mrs. Geetha Richard


Prayer Request: 

Pray to God to rise 7000 missionaries and families who can contribute Rs. 5000/- per month to uphold each missionary. 



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