Daily Devotion (English) – 28.01.2021
Daily Devotion (English) – 28.01.2021
If you fail to do, …
“In your hand it is to make great and to give strength to all.” - 1 Chronicles 29:12
As soon as the firewood is lighted up, it burns with a blazing fire. As time passes, the fire is out and the embers are glowing. Once the ember is kindled or blown on, it will be reignited and it continues to burn again. At last, the fire goes out and the only charcoal and ashes remain in the place. Yes, our spiritual life also begins with a blazing fire. It burns fiercely. As time goes by, due to lack of prayer, indifference to the word of God, disobedience and audacity drift us from God and we lose our passionate fire for God and led to backsliding. Suppose God’s plan is hindered by a backslider, God will rise up little children to accomplish his plans.
Eli who was called to the priestly ministry was on fire and passionate about it. But he could not restrain his son’s wickedness. Hannah’s tearful prayer was misinterpreted by Eli. God shared the burden of his heart not with Eli but with little Samuel. When Saul rejected the word of God and turned back from following God’s commandments, he was dethroned and little lad David was set up in his place. When God began to carry out his plan through David, the life of Saul was bitter.
Dear ministers of Christ, suppose we are negligent of God’s obligation, all powerful Almighty will fill the gap with another one who may be a junior to us in experience and age. If we bear the burden of God, we need not get drowned in grief. If we are not loyal and steadfast in our mission, we will be displaced and God will set up someone who can fulfil His plan with dedication. Our life will be meaningless if we forget God’s calling. Let us be diligent to revive the anointing we have received and keep it burning to do powerful ministry.
- Bro. Arun Abel
Prayer Request:
Pray for the construction work of the hostel for accommodating the students of the Bible college to be done exquisitely.
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