Daily Devotion (English) – 20.01.2021
Daily Devotion (English) – 20.01.2021
Anything amidst?
“Then she called the name of the Lord who spoke to her, “You are the God who sees;” – Genesis 16:13
That was a very pious Christian family. The Bible verse bearing the words “You are the God who sees” Genesis 16:13 was displayed on the wall of the living room. It was a regular practice of all the members of the family to read the above quoted words loudly before they began their family prayer as it was the instruction of their father. So right from their childhood they had been brought up to be God-fearing and in parental admonition. The eldest son got a government job. Once as there was a shortage of money, he took a large sum of money as a bribe. He was fearless as it was accepted secretly without anyone seeing and knowing it. The next day the family prayer began with the reading of the verse. While reading, the eldest son was filled with remorse as his mind flashed back the offense he committed. His guilty conscience troubled him and he was sleepless and he lost his peace. So, he confessed his presumptuous sin to God with tears. The very next day he returned the bribe to his higher officials.
The Holy Bible, given to us by the inspiration of God describes a man who was complacent and at ease without bothering about the consequences of his conduct and without remembering the Lord who sees him. His name was Achan. God commanded the Israelites not to keep but to destroy everything and burn the city of Jericho and all that was in it with fire. Achan disobeyed God. He coveted and took the accursed and hid the spoils in the earth in the midst of his tent. He remained calm and relaxed thinking that it would not come to light as he did it secretly. Because of Achan’s presumptuous sin the Israelites could not stand before their enemies and they were defeated. Achan was stoned to death as it was made clear that he was the cause for their defeat. Yes, nothing is hidden from God.
Dear readers, is there any failure in our lives? If so, we need to search in the centre of the tent if anything unpleasing to God is hidden there. Our body is the tent and our heart is the centre of the tent. Are we bold to say that God cannot discover the secret sins in the heart? All are exposed to the eyes of God. God tests our mind and heart. Our hidden sins may prevent our family and grand children from receiving God’s blessings. Achan is the model to remind us that the offense of one person will affect the entire family. So, let us lead a triumphant life sanctifying the midst of our tent.
- Mrs. Jasmine Samuel
Prayer Request:
We are in urgent need of a xerox machine for the office use. Pray for getting it soon.
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