Village Missionary Movement

கிராம மிஷனரி இயக்கம்

Daily Devotion (English) – 28.10.2021

Daily Devotion (English) – 28.10.2021




“He who covers his sins will not prosper…” – Proverbs 28:13


A certain farmer had grown watermelon plants in his field. Once he had to go to the city on some errands. So, he entrusted his son with the work of minding the field. He instructed him not to pick any watermelon as they were unripe. When his son was walking along the field, a ripe watermelon drew his attention. He picked it and broke it by dashing it against a nearby rock. He gobbled up the sweet fruit. He knew very well that he was acting against his father’s instruction but he comforted himself saying that he was not watched by his father. 


When the farmer returned to his field, he looked around. He failed to notice the missing watermelon. After a few weeks he was grazing his cows near the rock. Suddenly his eyes fell on the baby watermelon plants that had grown around the rock. He guessed rightly that they had come out from the seeds thrown by his son after eating the fruit. Thus, the truth was exposed after many days. He walked along pondering the event and God intervened in the following manner. 


At times the mistakes committed by us remain covered and we may think that we are safe as no one knew about the fault. But infact we deceive ourselves by concealing it. At any time, it will be brought to light and we will be put to shame. If it is not exposed now in this world but after death when we will all stand before the judgment seat of Christ and that each one of us will give an account to God, all things will be revealed. All the good and bad works performed by us in our lives are being written in the Book of remembrance.


Beloved in Christ, the Holy Spirit intervenes with us through every event occurs in our family. But we fail to hear His voice. It may be an insignificant matter but we should see if there is any lesson to be learnt from it or if any transformation required and if there is anything to hold on to or to get rid of. If we have such a heart to retrospect, we can feel God speaking to us.

- Mrs. Jeba Ganesan


Prayer Request:

Pray that the monetary needs for the gospel ministry is met.




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Village Missionary Movement, 

Virudhunagar, India – 626001

For Prayer Support: +91 94873 67663, +91 94424 93250

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