Village Missionary Movement

கிராம மிஷனரி இயக்கம்

Daily Devotion (English) – 22.10.2021

Daily Devotion (English) – 22.10.2021


Age is not a bar


“…He who wins soul is wise.” – Proverbs 11:30 


An aged woman who had survived the deadly disease, cancer desired to do some ministry for Christ. She happened to hear a message by a servant of God underscoring the importance of winning souls for Christ. She made up her mind to put in maximum efforts to gain souls for Christ. She made a placard that carried the following information – “Prayer help for healing and peace is given here.” She hung the display board the board in the tree branch infront of her house. A college and a hospital were situated in that area. Many students came to her seeking prayer help for better performance and peace of mind. Many patients got healed and received miracles after praying with faith. Thus, it paved way for their salvation and many of them were added to the church.


Naaman a commander of the army was ill with leprosy. The little girl, who was a captive suggested the way for his healing. Naaman did accordingly and Elisha sent word to take dips 7 times in the Jordan river. When he obeyed, he was not only healed but also saved. He returned as a transformed man both physically and spiritually. She was so compassionate to her master and led him to Christ even though she was kept as a captive.


Thus, the two episodes mentioned above prove that age is not a matter. So, whether great or ordinary, young or old all can be soul winners. We may be poor in knowledge, health and status and with problems. But nothing can deter us from sharing the gospel and winning souls for Christ. But there is only one obstacle for gaining souls. If our life is not a witness for Christ, we cannot do it. The little girl’s life of witness made Naaman heed to her words. How about us? Do we feel the burden for lost souls? Let us live as an effective witness for God so as to reflect Him and His way.

- S. Manojkumar


Prayer Request:

Pray that our plan to preach the gospel in the 2nd and 4th week is carried out without any obstacle.




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Village Missionary Movement, 

Virudhunagar, India – 626001

For Prayer Support: +91 94873 67663, +91 94424 93250

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