Village Missionary Movement

கிராம மிஷனரி இயக்கம்

Daily Devotion (English) – 20.07.2021 (Bible Characters Special)

Daily Devotion (English) – 20.07.2021 (Bible Characters Special)




“…Jehu the son of Nimshi… drives (his chariot) furiously.” – 2 Kings 9:20 


God accomplishes the jealously and zeal of his heart through certain men. He anoints them and sets them apart and carries out His will. In His plan, Jehu was chosen to strike down the whole house of Ahab. Why did God determine to destroy Ahab through Jehu? In the days of Elijah, Ahab took possession of the vineyard of Naboth. God spoke to Ahab through Elijah and he condemned him and foretold the calamity that God would bring on Ahab’s house. At that time Jehu was a commander of the army of Ahab. 


The Lord chose Jehu to avenge the blood of His servants the prophets and the blood of His servants of the Lord, at the hands of Jezebel. As Jehu was jealously and zealous for God, he was able to execute God’s command successfully and immediately. To ruin the entire family, Jehu drove his chariot very fast and furiously. We need to drive our spiritual chariot fast to do the work ordained by God to us. 


Jezebel performed harlotries and witchcrafts. Jehu was neither attracted nor trapped by her beautified face decoration and adornments. According to the word of God Jezebel’s corpse was thrown as a refuse on the surface of the field in the plot at Jezreel. She knew very well that her death was drawing near. But she could not remain without beautifying herself. Let us not engross ourselves in worldly lust and pleasure like Jezebel. Jehu’s zeal for God was not diminished by the lust of the eye and flesh and so he could fulfil God’s desire swiftly.


Beloved, God sent Saul on a mission to attack Amalek and utterly destroy all that they had and not to spare anything. But Saul spared the best of all the cattle and disobeyed and provoked the Lord to wrath. But Jehu hastily did what God commanded him to complete. Let us not be like Saul but like Jehu who obeyed the word of God as God requires absolute and total obedience. Let us do away with what God what God tells us to shun and avert in our personal or social life. God expects only total obedience from us. 

- K. Benjamin


Prayer Request:

Pray for the viewers who watch our programs in Nambikkai T.V to come closer to Jesus



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