Village Missionary Movement

கிராம மிஷனரி இயக்கம்

Daily Devotion (English) – 25.06.2021

Daily Devotion (English) – 25.06.2021


“Let your eyes look straight ahead, and your eyelids look right before you.” – Proverbs 4:25


The lamp of the body is eye. So, when eye is good, your whole body is full of light. When your eye is bad, your spiritual life is full of darkness. Let us see how God’s people fell into temptation due to the spirit of covetousness. 


Eve: There were different kinds of fruit trees other than the forbidden tree (tree of the knowledge) in the Garden of Eden. But Eve heeded the voice of the serpent and fell a prey to desire. As the fruit was pleasant to the eyes, she took it, ate it and gave it to Adam. As a result, they had a guilty conscience and they hid themselves from the presence of the Lord. In the end they were sent out of the garden with curse. Many things are prohibited from us in this world. If we fix our eyes on those banned things, we will fall into a snare. We need to be careful with what we see. 


David: David was a man after the Lord’s own heart. Uriah’s wife was beautiful to behold and David’s desire for her let him fall into the trap. Covet crept in through eyes. He committed presumptuous sins. He was neither contrite nor broken up about it till the Lord sent Nathan, the prophet to him. So, let us not covet anything.


Samson: Samson was chosen by the Lord even before his birth. Divine calling of him was to be a deliverer and judge of Israelites. He was half way towards it, he saw a harlot and later fell in love with Delilah and forgot all about God’s vision. His eyes caused him to sin. The Philistines put out his eyes and made him grind in the prison. A man of great strength was humiliated because of his craving for lust. Take care and be on your guard against all covetousness. 

- Mrs. Ruth Anish


Prayer Request:

Pray for the missionaries who are shaping the weapons for the last day’s revival to be used.



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