Village Missionary Movement

கிராம மிஷனரி இயக்கம்

Daily Devotion (English) – 19.06.2021

Daily Devotion (English) – 19.06.2021


“and the base things of the world and the things which are despised God has chosen, and the things which are not, to bring to nothing the things that are,” – 1Corinthians 1:28


When people of the world select life-partners for their children, they look for a deserving person. In army recruitment only the candidates who are physically fit are eligible for the selection. But God’s choice is entirely different. Christmas Evans, the man of God is a model for it.  


Christmas Evans was from Wales. Being poor and fatherless, he was brought up by his uncle. He bore a lot of sufferings and lost one of his eyes. There was a hollow socket on the face. He was neither handsome nor an attractive. He was an illiterate till the age of seventeen. In the sight of the people he was mean and despised. But the Lord chose him and used him powerfully. 


He received salvation, at the age of seventeen, while he was working for a pastor. By the grace of God, he learnt to read and write quickly. He held cottage prayers for the poor. Messages and prayers from books were learnt by heart and used by him in his ministry. The talent of preaching and singing ran in the blood of the Wales people. Nearly 25,000 people used to gather to celebrate festival of preaching Evans was given a chance to preach and he was used as a flaming fire by God. Evans, who was known as “one eyed preacher” was the talk of the gathering. There was a great revival. Multitude of people came to listen to his message. Lifeless churches and spiritually dead received redemption. He was a prayer warrior with simple and humble prayer. His soul longing was to read God’s words and spiritual books. He chose problematic places for gospel ling. Even though there were oppositions and barriers, many souls were saved. 


Evans speaks even after his death. Our merits and qualifications are not important to the Lord. Our whole hearted dedication matters a lot. Commit yourself to God and He will make use of you powerfully in the expansion of His kingdom.

- Mrs. Geeta Richard


Prayer Request:

Pray for God’s grace for holding special youth camp in each district.



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Virudhunagar, India – 626001

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