Daily Devotion (English) – 06.01.2025
Daily Devotion (English) – 06.01.2025
Gratitude is good
"And do not forget all his benefits" - Psalm 103:2
The people of Israel murmured instead of giving thanks because they forgot the good things God had done for them. Because of their murmurings, they could not enter Canaan and perished in the wilderness. If we forget the good things that God has done, we will automatically have complaints and grumblings in our hearts. It will lead us to sin. Therefore it will be impossible to enter the heavenly Canaan. Let us therefore dedicate our lives to remembering and giving thanks for the good things God has done.
An orphan boy who had lost his mother and father began to beg to satisfy his hunger. He stood in front of a shop and asked many people, "I'm hungry, give me something." No one gave him enough money to buy food. A man saw the boy's condition and bought him food so that he could eat to his satisfaction, and he went to eat. The boy waited for the man who had given him food to eat, and when he came, he said, 'Thank you, sir.' The boy's action surprised the person who bought the food. He led the boy to Christ and made him a servant. He was a Brazilian missionary named Max Lucado. Only one out of ten lepers was grateful. Nine of the ten lepers healed by Jesus had forgotten to give thanks. Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver. Judas, who had received spiritual and worldly benefits from Jesus, became a traitor because he forgot to give thanks. The desire for this world destroyed him so that he could not receive heavenly benefits. Peter remembered the good he had received from Jesus, and he wept bitterly for his ungrateful denial. Jesus also accepted Peter.
If we have forgotten gratitude today and denied Jesus with our actions, let us correct our actions in a way that shows gratitude for the good deeds Jesus did with his original love. As John the Baptist said, (Matthew 3:8) we will bear fruits worthy of repentance and receive a hundredfold benefits in this world and hereafter. Amen
- Mr. Selvaraj
Prayer Note:
Pray for 1000 missionaries to be created throughout India.
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