Village Missionary Movement

கிராம மிஷனரி இயக்கம்

Daily Devotion (English) – 03.01.2025

Daily Devotion (English) – 03.01.2025


Two Faces


"Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?" - John 4:29


The name of the first month of the year, "January," comes from the name of the Roman god Janus. The image of the Roman god, who is called Janus, has two human faces. One face looks back and the other looks forward. January is named after this image to symbolize the end and beginning of the year. Aside from this, there are two faces in everyone's life, before meeting Jesus and after meeting Jesus. The same thing happened to the woman from Samaria in John chapter four.


Why these two faces? One face that looks at the paths we have traveled, and one face that looks at the challenges we must face. Perhaps we have encountered many failures along the way. Or we may have entered the new year with many bitter experiences, and the resulting turmoil and mental anguish. But we must not forget that the Lord, who loves us and carries us, is with us as Emmanuel in any situation.


We must think about the reasons for our past failures and try to rectify those that need to be rectified. We must work with the help of the Holy Spirit for this. The woman from Samaria did not want to see or talk to anyone before she saw Jesus. That is why she comes to draw water in the scorching heat at noon. I do not want to see anyone. This society has excluded me, and I do not want to be in harmony with this society. She lives as a sad woman who says that she must live somehow. But when she meets Jesus, he first starts to speak. We can see in John 4:4 that Jesus came that way for that one woman. How true his words are that there will be great joy in heaven over one sinner who repents.


The woman talked to the Lord, asked questions, and received answers. She understood that Jesus was the Messiah. The woman, who did not speak to anyone, became the first missionary to go into the town and announce about Jesus. She invited them to see if he was the Christ. The word "Christ" is called "christos" in Greek. It means Messiah, Savior. Everyone accepted the Samaritan woman's statement that our Savior had come and met Jesus. The villagers, who heard Jesus' teachings, asked him to stay for two more days, confessing that he was "truly the Christ, the Savior of the world." They believed.


Dear friend! Let us also forget the old pains in this new year, and introduce Jesus to others with new hope, and let us prepare. Let us prepare others. May the Lord Himself comfort us and repair the broken parts of our lives. Amen.

- Rev. Elizabeth


Prayer Note:

Pray for God to work mightily in the healing service being held on our campus today.



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