Village Missionary Movement

கிராம மிஷனரி இயக்கம்

Daily Devotion (English) – 25.10.2021

Daily Devotion (English) – 25.10.2021


Be moulded – Mould others 


“For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding” – Proverbs 2:6


Right from his childhood Kavin was a very mischievous boy. His father was worried because he lacked concentration in his studies. Whenever he was naughty, his father scolded him saying, “You have neither understanding nor knowledge.” One day when his father rebuked him, he asked his father, “What is the meaning of understanding and knowledge? What is the difference between the two words?” At once his father said, “A man is moulded by the exhortations given by the experience and information acquired.” Without any forethought Kavin remarked that his father only lacked understanding and knowledge because he could not shape him properly. 


When Jesus walked upon the earth, he healed the sick, weak and weary and strived hard to shape and mould the ordinary people with the cord of love and by His gracious words. He chose unlettered fisherman and sinners like tax-collectors as his disciples and taught them the major life lessons. After his ascension, He sent the Holy Spirit and they were anointed and they were empowered with boldness to preach the gospel. Though Peter was with Jesus and listened to all His teachings on divine love, when the guards came to arrest Jesus, he drew a sword and smote the ear of a servant. He denied ever knowing Jesus three times. He ran in fear. He wavered in his conviction. Out of His love, the Lord filled him with the Holy Spirit and he was able to stand up and preach before thousands of people. He emerged as the leader of the earliest church.  


Beloved, do we feel that we lack knowledge and understanding? Jesus can work wonders in our lives and we will emerge as leaders and counsellors who are sought by people for their spiritual needs. We need to trust in Him and dedicate ourselves to Him. It is “in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” There is no doubt that He will mould us and help us to mould and shape others.

- Sis. Vishali 


Prayer Request:

Pray for the construction work of the building meant for the students of the Ragland Bible College to stay in.




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Village Missionary Movement, 

Virudhunagar, India – 626001

For Prayer Support: +91 94873 67663, +91 94424 93250

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