Village Missionary Movement

கிராம மிஷனரி இயக்கம்

Daily Devotion (English) – 24.10.2021 (Kids Special)

Daily Devotion (English) – 24.10.2021 (Kids Special)


Don’t hide your sin


“If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.” – 1 John 1:8   


Dear little kids! How are you? Hope in Christ, that you are keeping fine. The students from 9th to 12th are going to school. Do you feel sad about staying at home? You see, Jesus loves you so much and keeps you safe under His wings. Let us keep praying. We will get free from corona and everything will return to normalcy soon. Whatever we missed in the past two years will be given to us by Jesus. It is sure that our prayer will be answered. Ok, shall we listen to the story?


Vicky was the only son of his parents. An evangelist used to come on house visit. He just entered Vicky’s house and began to search for something. The evangelist understood that he had forgotten to take his bag and umbrella after praying in sister Jeba’s house. He asked Vicky if he could kindly get his bag and umbrella from Jeba aunty, whose house was nearby. Vicky readily accepted and ran to that house. He got them and while returning he had some fun. He hung the bag in the handle of the umbrella and swung it to and fro. Alas! The handle broke and the bag fell down and became dirty. Vicky was afraid. Out of fear he entered the house through the back door. He narrated the incident with tears to his parents. Vicky’s father comforted him and approached the evangelist and apologized for his son’s mistake. The evangelist took it lightly but he caught hold of the opportunity to teach Vicky about Jesus. He made Vicky sit by his side and said, “I appreciate you for being bold enough to confess the truth to your parents. Your father made intercession to me for your sake. In the same manner, Jesus our loving father is our intercessor and He intercedes for us to God when we commit sins knowingly and unknowingly. Jesus will forgive our sins and help us to be the good children of God. Jesus is the only way to reach heaven.” Vicky nodded his head to show his approval. They began to pray together. They rededicated themselves saying, “Dear Jesus, you are the one who forgives our sins and takes us to heaven. Help us to follow you steadfastly.” 


Dear kids, just like Vicky, let us confess without hiding our mistakes for forgiveness with a broken heart. When we ask Him, He is willing to cleanse us with His precious blood. So, we should never hesitate to seek His presence and wait at His feet. 

- Sis. Deborah




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Village Missionary Movement, 

Virudhunagar, India – 626001

For Prayer Support: +91 94873 67663, +91 94424 93250

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